This was a Christmas gift that I purchased for my granddaughter who loves to entertain. She was thrilled to have it. The funny backstory is that it went to the wrong person the first time, even though my name and address were on it. She found me on Facebook and knew someone who knows me. So she checked with her, and she said she would get it to me. A week passed, with a few more texts and phone calls, always with the assurance that she would bring it to me. The day before Christmas Eve, I talked with the intended deliverer, and she said that she or her husband would bring it to my house. I gave her instructions to get in the gate where I live, and waited some more. A few hours later, I had a text from another granddaughter who said she was going to get together with her for a Christmas visit that afternoon. She promised that she would get it from her and bring it to me. I told her to take it home with her, and wrap it, and give it to the intended receiver as the family celebrated Christmas together. And. finally, the gift got to the right place and right time and all was good. As Shakespeare would say, "All's well that ends well."